Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday Evening, December 11, 2007

I stopped by the hospital tonight and visited with Dave. The radiation treatments are taking a toll on his alertness so he was sleeping much of the time. That’s not so odd – as he got older, from my experience when traveling with him, he went to bed earlier and earlier. That turned out to be ok, as I get older, I want to hit the sack earlier and earlier also.

His appetite is waning a bit and that’s new to al of us. The doctors indicated it was due to the treatments he’s undergoing but it was important that he keep eating. I told Dave I would record that statement for future use by him.

They gave him some medicine that they hid in apple sauce that would increase his appetite. I asked the doctor if he could get medical marijuana if that didn’t work. The doctor actually took me seriously, and said that the drug they were using is preferred.

I told him me and Marla would like to try some (as the only stuff I ever had was the stuff that grew out by my Aunt Angie’s lake house in Nebraska when I was in high school. I tried to inhale but was never too successful. I tasted like alfalfa).

But I told the doc we would give it another whirl if he wanted to leave some. Marla never really agreed to it, but I figured heck, we’re sitting in a hospital, who’s gonna find us? Oh Lord, LOCAL BUSINESSMAN AND GRANDMOTHER ARRESTED FOR STEALING MEDICAL MARIJUANA FROM SLEEPING PATIENT. That’d be a headline.

After the doctor left without giving us any other interesting information, Dave and I talked about what’s happening with the business, so I updated him on all the important things. I also read him a couple of cards but I think he finds my voice annoying.

In addition, I discovered a box of toffee that someone had brought him and Steven and I ended up eating the entire box. I don’t think Dave could eat it in his condition, so we probably did him a favor. Of course we didn’t mention the candy to Dave, or he might have wanted some. Steven and I will chock it up to pre-marijuana munchies.

Dave has three more days of radiation treatment and then he gets to spend all of his time at this hospital. That will be good. Marla is doing well also and taking all of this a day at a time. The family is trying to make sure she gets lots of rest and eats well (except for toffee).

Again, thanks for all your comments – he loves them so keep ‘em comin.


Bert and Jill Alanko said...

Joe, say hi to Dave for me and the gang at MBA. Love your postings. Tell Dave that he will be allowed more "throws" at the RVDA golf outing this next year if he will just quit screwing around and get out of there.

Tell Dave that I am thinking of him everyday and do wish him the best of luck and speed.

I know that the chemo treatments kick the hell out of you, sap all of your strength.

On a lighter note the Louisville show was the shits.
At the Executive West Dave, you could have sat anywhere in the bar Tuesday or Wednesday night as the crowd as just not there.
It was sort of like what if they gave a party and nobody came.

PS Dave ,,,, tell joe to pay his bills on time

ghiner said...

Dave, Today’s promise is not from the bible, it is from me. I promise not to forget the day that I taught you how to do “stall spins” in that Cessna 140.! I am positive that was the biggest reaction I ever did get from you. When the plane was pointed almost straight down you gave out the biggest WOW I ever heard. Really I guess it was "oh shit"! You said. I am glad that I no longer need that much stimulation. Know what I mean? Anyway have your best day yet in recovery. We love you brother.
Hiner & Judy

Becki said...

Hi Dave!
Another one of your favorite nieces, sending more love your way from Chicago.
I've enjoyed reading some of the responces to the blogs. When reading them, I realize I know (or have at least met or heard of) quite a few of the many people who wrote them. It is a reminder to me how important it is to treat your friends as family, (or better in some cases :0) and to surround yourself with good people. Both of those are lessons you have taught me. I am reminded in many ways of the positive example you lead in life.
It is also great to see that you have had many important visitors (isn't everyone important!!!), entertainment, and great food...man, I could really use some In-N-Out burger right now! I worked both my jobs today and haven't had the chance to have a good meal.
I look forward to my next visit to the happy land of palm trees, sunshine(AKA LA, CA). I'll bring my massage fingers and put you first in line for a nice relaxing foot and hand massage! The rest of the family and friends can take a number after that... :)
Keep working on that PT and know that I'm praying for you.

Barb Nicolas said...

Hi Dave: I remember that radiation zaps your energy and your appetite from other people indulging in this fantastic treatment. Keep hanging in there; we are praying for strength for Marla and looks like we need to add strength for you, too. We have a beautiful landscape of white winter to enjoy. We are hoping these last days of radiation pass quickly and you go on to better times. Love, DeWayne and Barb

Mary & Gary Lukehart said...

Dear Dave
Gary and I want you to know we're thinking of you daily and praying for your recovery.
We were going through some pictures (a whole trunk full) and found a picture of you and Marla at our dining room table. How special to find it at this time.
You are a strong person in every way, Dave.
I know that your faith will help to strengthen you and your recovery.

We Love You Dave and Marla
Gary and Mary
Naches, WA

chattykathy said...

Dave,Marla and family, You all never leave my thoughts and prayers. I really loved Dan's thoughts on "God's Will Be Done". We do not no the time or hour that God will come, so we should live each day as if it is our last. Dave I know that you have done that and have always treated people the way you yourself wanted to be treated. It shows in the way all the people who know you truly love you. You are an inspiration to us all. Dave your radiation will be done soon and PT will continue to make you stronger. Marla, special prayers are going to you and your family also. You and all the people around Dave are affected by this disease. It is like a drop of water in a lake and the ripples pan out to affect all. I pray daily for you and all of us to have continued strength to help Dave. Call any time you need to or just to talk. Love you all so much.........
Chatty Kathy or Mertz