Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Afternoon, December 10, 2007

Dave's first full day of rehab started today. I'm amazed at all the things they do. They also wanted to check his mental clarity so they told him a story and then asked him questions about the story to test his memory.

They also asked him some questions like "what do a calendar and a clock have in common?" I thought the answer was they both started with the letter "C" but he answered something about time. I think Dave got the more correct answer. I suggested they change the question to "watch and calendar" and I would have gotten it easier. I'm not sure if they paid attention to my recommendation.

He was also taken by special medical unit (no sirens, I asked) to the City of Hope for his final week of radiation. Marla and I went shopping for a new camera for her.

Also, an old friend of the family, Bobby Griffith stopped by. He came to California shortly after we did and worked for Dave while waiting to complete his pharmacist boards. That was back in 1970! Well now, he's some big famous race car driver or owner or something. But the big thing, is that he owns a place at PGA West out by Palm Springs.

And that isn't the big news. The big news is that on the Soaring Over California ride at Disney's California Adventures Theme Park (arguably the best ride in the world), you see his house when your pretend-hang glider soars over PGA West. In our own little ways we touch the stars!

1 comment:

Bill Kinison said...

Dear Dave,

I came to visit you today and you were not in your room so I was leaving. As I was leaving I ran into lovely Marla and so I talked to her for awhile as they put you back in your room. You are truly blessed with the family that you have. After visiting with you I realized that I have known you and Marla for 17 years. You are in my prayers and well as the prayers of those at the Grove Theatre. We miss you at the club and wish you a speedy recovery. God Bless!

Bill Kinison