Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday Morning

There isn’t much news yet. Dave has been moved to the main hospital part of City of Hope and the team of specialists has ordered a battery of tests to determine the most appropriate course of treatment.

The weekend was fairly uneventful. Dave’s doctors are most concerned about his rest and have yet to “open the doors” for visitors. He did watch college football on Saturday and had his entire family there to make sure he wasn’t lonely.

Your comments, thoughts, and wishes are one (besides eating) of the highlights of his days. They truly boost his mood and make this difficult time a bit easier.

Sorry for the lapse in news. I was attempting to make my home computer faster and it took me two days to undo my handiwork. It’s back working (as it did on Friday night – no faster though) and I’m counting the days until Dave takes this over himself.


Dennis Donato said...

I want tell you on behalf of Your Parts and Service Departments we are all praying that you get well. We are running like a well oiled machine all things considered. calm and cool is in order for you. Sandy and myself are just waiting for the green light so we can come and visit. Get plenty of rest so you can beat this thing. know that we all love you Dave and are waiting your return.

Gail and Brian said...


It was great to see you this weekend and you are an inspiration to Gail and I with your positive attitude. We continue to pray for your recovery. As your "Professional Pal", I want to continue to make sure to earn my salary by beating your butt at golf. Do what the doctors tell you and go easy on the "Crispy Creams". Love, Gail and Brian

BJ Thompson said...


We missed you at the Louisville show and the Prayer Breakfast where we were looking forward to having you be our Master of Ceremonies. But we're holding you to your commitment and are planning on you being our MC at next year's prayer breakfast.

Carl Pletcher filled in for you this year and asked everyone there to keep you in their thoughts and prayers. As well-known and well-liked as you are I'm sure a lot of people are remembering you. As one of your many friends, I can understand that.

Get well soon. I'm thinking of you. (I'm also thinking that when you come to Indiana for this year's RV/MH Hall of Fame Induction we can have lunch again...I think it's your turn to buy.)


Unknown said...

Great Morning Dave!
I have been reading with fascination your blog site and am amazed at the number of lives you have touched. God has certainly had important work for you to do!
I write a monthly newsletter for my clients and have asked for them to pray for you as well. With so much love and support, the blessings of His Eminence and the saints here on earth, cancer doesn't stand a chance.
Don't you think it was nice of me to refer to Joe as an angel? :)
Joe, your blogs are the best!
Remember the Smothers Brothers? Can you see it? The Altman Brothers! Fun and laughter and good old fashioned brotherly love. Except for the knives and the M&M's......and the pillow caper.
Kick butt, boys!!!
Hugs and love to all of you- especially to Marla who has endured Altman humor for what I suspect is a VERY long time.
Christine Dern

Danelle Conley said...

I'm glad you got to watch some football this weekend. Did you ask the nursing staff for a 60" plasma TV yet? With your skills at negotiation, I'm sure you can get that handled.
Joe, you are not allowed to take the weekend off of the blog anymore. Do you know how many people I talked to that asked me what was going on.....Too Many!!! We are enjoying your very sick sense of humor, and Dave even smiled at some of your comments on Friday. Although, I'm not sure he understood the M&M joke, he really wanted an M&M to go with his Krispy Kremes.
I love you Dave!!! Remember you told me that God thinks you're a "Pain in the Ass" and he's not ready for you yet. So fight this thing and get back to work. We miss you.
Your favorite Niece.

BlackCat said...

Hey Dave,
Pat and I (and our kids) are praying for you daily. It's good to read you're keeping your spirits up. But not all surprising. We've always appreciated your warmth and cheer at Legatus functions and remember how welcoming you were when we first joined. Something you said then made a big impact on us--it was about taking time out from the daily grind to, as husband and wife, bolster faith and love. You and Marla are a great example of that and one we've tried to emulate.

I love the picture on this page and the caption. God and Dave- formidable opponents of cancer. How true. If anyone can kick cancer's butt, it is you. And I'm pretty sure He's on your side.
If there's anything we can do for you, send word.
Margaret and Pat Blackwell
&the hooligans

Amanda V said...

God is awesome! I'm thrilled to hear that you are at City of Hope and are in the best of care possible...answered prayer! "...His greatness is unsearchable." Psalm 145:3
Although I love reading the blog (Joe is absolutely entertaining, as well as informative!), I pray that there will soon be no need to have one and you will return to life at home again.
As I read the comments, I am amazed at the number of people who know and care about you. Your life has impacted countless people...some by having just a few encounters with you. The combination of your genuine, compassionate heart and your strong leadership qualities is a beautiful combination which has brought tremendous "success" not only in business, but in raising a family and nurturing relationships. You are an inspiration Dave.
May the Lord continue to bless you as you are a light in this dark world. He WILL give you strength for today and hope for tomorrow.
Amanda Vittetoe

George Murphy said...

Your response to this challenge has been met with such determination, strength and courage as to inspire us all. We are all eagerly awaiting your return.

Shubin said...


Your choir buddies are praying very hard for you. I have been praying my Rosary and my family has as well offering you up in prayer. We all miss you so much and can't wait to see your happy face in church again. Christmas Caroling won't be the same without you.

Carol Shubin

Kevin Adams said...


On behalf of the entire IDS team we wish you a full and speedy recovery. We know you have the fighting spirit to beat this thing and I look forward to hearing all about it at the next trade show!

Kevin Adams, Integrated Dealer Systems

rvmh hall of fame said...

dave we both know you enjoy dazzaling them with your mental agility but this is carrying it to the ridiculous. our prayers are with you and marla as you have always included us in yours. please try to soften your admonitions toward the medical staff maybe the cuisine will be better. keep the faith and we will keep the prayers coming. t.& c.