Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday Afternoon November 28, 2007

This afternoon, Dave was visited by His Eminence, Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles. Dave and the Cardinal are no strangers, but it was certainly an honor to have the Cardinal at his bedside. I wasn’t there but I got excited calls from my sisters who were.

(It is only a rumor that Dave, in his woozy state, requested that the Cardinal record commercials for Altmans Winnebago, with the admonition that if you bought a Winnebago elsewhere, you’d go to hell. I’m sure that even Dave wouldn’t come up with that one. And thank the Good Lord Cardinal Mahoney would have the good sense to respectfully decline.)

Where is that knife I used to slice those bananas?


Patrick Moreno said...


I justed wanted to send a message with my best wishes on your recovery.

It's time for you to focus on yourself and your family, and the rest of us can make sure that the business is being taken care of.

You have taught us by your example how to continue on in the face of adversity, and we want nothing more than to make you proud.

michelle wilson said...

Hi Uncle Dave,
ive been wanting to see you and give a great big hug to you ,you are so huggable like a bear and your smile brights up a whole room. we are all praying for you and so is my family.i wanted to say thank you for helping with baby jack we need to fight this all the way and you need to be there to tell them what's up!!!!!
we all love you and hope to see you soon and get better, you are a very strong person to fight anything espicially with your smile and you know what i didnt know you had blue eyes now i know where baby jack got his wwhhheewww
everybody thought i slept with the milkman!!!!
ok well whenever you can have visitors call me
oh and we decorated the christmas tree at our house for you cause i know you love christmas so it's dedicated in your name well i had to redue it three time already cause of the little ones ,they love to scoot all the way under it and look up in the tree ,kids they love to explore.
take care and be strong we all love you , michelle & gang

Patrick Graven said...

Uncle Dave,
I know that you are a religous man, so if nothing else i know that the "Main Man" will help you get through this. Just wanted to let you know that my prayers are with you. Hope you are better soon i hope i can come see you soon.
Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Best wishes on a speedy recovery. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Chris, Jen and Keegan German

Jake Graven said...

Uncle Dave,
I jsut wanted to let you know i am praying for you and that i have no doubt you can get through this with G_D. And i hope i see you soon.

Love ya! , Jake

Danelle Conley said...

If Joe asks you for a knife, tell him to go back to work!!!

Love you,

Cindy Higdon said...

Dear Dave & Marla,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the whole family. Jim and I are amazed by your incredible strength and willpower - gifts from God, but not everyone makes such good use of them as you do!

Thank you for being such a wonderful witness to others and for making so many feel as though they are part of your family. Everyone is concerned for you, but there is so much hope for you too.

There are many prayers being said in Louisiana for you and your family - in our home, the Chachere home, and at Cypress Heights Academy (Jacob's 1st school)

Jim made a very nice batch of wine for Steve & Beth which will be ready for tasting by Mother's Day in May. They designed a wonderful label using a combination of the Altmanshofer and Higdon coats of arms. Ask Steve to bring you a bottle. You can bring it with you to open at the ranch!

We look forward to seeing you all again. Know that you are greatly loved and blessed by Him.
God bless,
Jim & Cindy Higdon

Don Magary said...


Visited for a few minutes last night with Gaylord and Margie to get an update on your condition.

There is much love and concern for you from your many friends and collegues in the industry.

You are the talk of the show.

My prayers and thoughts are with you.


Don Magary
RV News
Fellow Board Member
RV-MH Hall of Fame

CVODAVE said...

You are in our prayers and since I drive 5 hours a day I can pray a lot. Get well my friend and God bless you Marla and your family.
Dave Chester

Unknown said...

Great Morning Dave!
Seriously, as I read Joe's comments from yesterday it occurred to me that you either need to move over and let him have some space or visit him on the fourth floor where it is padded! LOL
As a Roman Catholic, I am confident that the good Cardinal would more likely slice bananas for you than do commercials. And speaking of bananas, keep an eye on Joe!
It is nice to see that no one has lost their humor!! Laughter and an upbeat spirit still remain the best medicine!
When this illness has been kicked you two should consider a completely different second act- comedy!
May God bless you and hold you close.
Hugs and love to all of you!
Christine Dern

Kelly said...

Danelle, you can't let Joe leave with that knife and go back to work .... Michelle might try to use it on Joe. On second thought .... Dave, can you put that knife in Joe's back pocket?

Kelly :)

Unknown said...

The Mass on Friday was inspiring and learning more about Dave , his life and family. I never once looked at my watch , a first I admit. Thanks to all of the speakers , brothers and family. It was enjoyable and given the circumstances Dave you've had your bags packed for this final journey, your examples of how h to lead a better life will stay with me and my family.. Mike L.