Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday Morning

Great News. At about 10am this morning, the breathing tube was removed from Dave's mouth and throat, and he is able to talk sensibly and see. We were very concerned about this functions and until the tube was removed, those abilities were in doubt.

Hopefully today we will get information from the lab tests so we know what actually happened and the doctors will probably evaluate his functions to give us a better idea of his long term condition. When we get that information, we will update this site.

Your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes have been and will continue to be so valuable for both Dave and his family. I can't say thank you enough.

Today Dave and I were supposed to be traveling to the National Recreation Vehicle Industry Association show in Louisville, KY. The show opens on Tuesday and we typically arrive there on Monday evening. For years we have had dinner with Patricia (Trish) DeBacker, long-time friend and Editor-In-Chief for Kelley Blue Book (those little guides that give dealers and banks information on the value of used cars, trucks, and RV's).

I spoke with Trish this morning to let her know we wouldn't be going and she also has a dear friend, Curt Hoffman, who had been diagnosed with cancer and recently contracted pneumonia. She will not be attending the Louisville show either so she can help care for her friend and I ask that you please include him, and Trish, in your prayers.


Joe Altman said...

Should you wish to add your thoughts to this site, you can click on the little "COMMENT" word and add what you wish. Dave will be getting these read to him now that we know he understands what we are saying. You will have to establish a Google Account which is free and pretty easy if you don't have one. I don't know why, it just says you have to.

Danelle Conley said...

If anyone can overcome this you can!!! Just know Altmans Winnebago is doing fine and we anxiously await your return.

Much Love,

Anne Altman-Lazzari said...

Big Brother,
We never underestimate the power of God and the will power of Dave!!
Love you lots
Your favorite sister Anne

Lorie Kelly said...

Dearest Davie Altman King of the Big RV's...Praise God from whom all blessings flow ! I am sooo happy you are back !!!! All who know you are feeling as I am right now... it is just like Christmas morning when we were little kids !! I can see your little 10 year old boy face as we speak and yet the heart of a very humble and compassionate man...I remember only about a week ago as we were walking the streets of Rome and a little old lady was standing there with a child and we all walked by except you....I was thinking of what I had been told while in Ukraine, that the parents and grandparents use the children to beg for money and so didn't give any to hopefully help to not expoit the children , while deep inside I really did want to....then you walked by and said something like " Oh, what the heck" and dug into your pocket and gave her some money and she smiled so sweetly at you...this is who we all should be like , YOU, Davie Altman, king of the big RV's ! Can't wait to see you while you are awake....hugs and kisses, Lorikins xoxox

Skip at CalRVDA said...

My good friend Dave... some persons are irrefutably regarded as true leaders because of their vision, persistence, personal style, cooperativeness, confidence, persuasiveness and genuineness.

I believe in you, as have so many others, because you inspire us to measure up in both personal and professional ways.

Now we'll watch you fully recover, confident in the power of prayer and self, and because you truly cherish life and your family.

See you on the links my Friend...but don't ask for a higher handicap.

Our very best to you, Marla, and all the "kids" and family.

Lisa and Skip Daum