Christmas 2007
For at least fifteen years, it has been our tradition to enclose a Christmas letter in our Christmas cards to all our family and friends. Dave would always compose the letter and together we would send our Christmas message to everyone. We didn’t want to break that tradition.
We had a great year seeing friends and family across the country, making new friends in Kenya and enjoyed a fantastic Mediterranean cruise with friends in early November.
The Altman family lost their beloved mother, Lillian, to Alzheimer’s disease in February of this year. We welcomed a new grandson and a great grandson into this family this spring. Through Dave’s efforts the new MH/RV Hall of Fame in Elkhart, Ind. became a reality this year.
Tina and John keep busy with Ben, a freshman in high school and Brian in sixth grade this year and all their sports activities. Justin is in our Colton store doing a great job for the company. John’s daughter Janae and her husband Brandon welcomed Ryan William into the family in February.
Debbie and Steve bought a beautiful 2 ½ acre home in Escondido near San Diego and are doing great.
We are so glad to have Steven and Beth, Jacob (9), Audrey (6), Alexandra (5), Vincent (3), and little baby Christopher (9 mos.) near us again. Family is the most important thing in our lives.
As you know our lives changed on Thanksgiving Day when Dave woke with a terrible headache and had surgery to remove a mass from his brain. He has had the best care at City of Hope Hospital in Duarte and now at Casa Colina Rehabilitation Hospital in Pomona that we could ask for. We thank all of you for the many flowers, food, and care baskets, cards, and phone and blog messages that you have sent
It is impossible to thank you all personally, but I appreciate each and everyone more than you know. Dave and I want to thank one and all throughout the world for their prayers and kind words throughout this ordeal.
We are most grateful to Dave’s brother Joe and all the effort he has put into keeping all of you informed of Dave’s progress on the blog. I have to tell you though; he does take a lot of literary license with his comments on the blog. All of us have gotten very careful about what we say and do when he is around.
Dave and I are so thankful this season for our dear family and friends. We thank Joe, Steven, Danelle, and all the personnel at Altmans Winnebago for keeping the company running smoothly.
We wish all of you a very Blessed Christmas season. It goes without saying that wealth is not measured money, but by the many friends and loved ones you have around you. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. God willing, we hope to have him home with us soon.
Please help keep CHRIST in Christmas.
Marla and Dave
For at least fifteen years, it has been our tradition to enclose a Christmas letter in our Christmas cards to all our family and friends. Dave would always compose the letter and together we would send our Christmas message to everyone. We didn’t want to break that tradition.
We had a great year seeing friends and family across the country, making new friends in Kenya and enjoyed a fantastic Mediterranean cruise with friends in early November.
The Altman family lost their beloved mother, Lillian, to Alzheimer’s disease in February of this year. We welcomed a new grandson and a great grandson into this family this spring. Through Dave’s efforts the new MH/RV Hall of Fame in Elkhart, Ind. became a reality this year.
Tina and John keep busy with Ben, a freshman in high school and Brian in sixth grade this year and all their sports activities. Justin is in our Colton store doing a great job for the company. John’s daughter Janae and her husband Brandon welcomed Ryan William into the family in February.
Debbie and Steve bought a beautiful 2 ½ acre home in Escondido near San Diego and are doing great.
We are so glad to have Steven and Beth, Jacob (9), Audrey (6), Alexandra (5), Vincent (3), and little baby Christopher (9 mos.) near us again. Family is the most important thing in our lives.
As you know our lives changed on Thanksgiving Day when Dave woke with a terrible headache and had surgery to remove a mass from his brain. He has had the best care at City of Hope Hospital in Duarte and now at Casa Colina Rehabilitation Hospital in Pomona that we could ask for. We thank all of you for the many flowers, food, and care baskets, cards, and phone and blog messages that you have sent
It is impossible to thank you all personally, but I appreciate each and everyone more than you know. Dave and I want to thank one and all throughout the world for their prayers and kind words throughout this ordeal.
We are most grateful to Dave’s brother Joe and all the effort he has put into keeping all of you informed of Dave’s progress on the blog. I have to tell you though; he does take a lot of literary license with his comments on the blog. All of us have gotten very careful about what we say and do when he is around.
Dave and I are so thankful this season for our dear family and friends. We thank Joe, Steven, Danelle, and all the personnel at Altmans Winnebago for keeping the company running smoothly.
We wish all of you a very Blessed Christmas season. It goes without saying that wealth is not measured money, but by the many friends and loved ones you have around you. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. God willing, we hope to have him home with us soon.
Please help keep CHRIST in Christmas.
Marla and Dave
Dear Marla and Dave-
You two are a tough act to follow!
It is with tears- quickly escalating to something more- that I wish you the peace, love and joy of this Christmas holiday.
You are in my heart- and the hearts of many.
Wishing you, your amazing family and bodacious brother Joe, a very happy new year and a joyful, spiritual Christmas.
Hugs and love from Cleveland, Ohio-Home of the most amazing Browns!! :)
Dear Dave and Marla, Although you two are a tough act to follow it may be a little easier than follwing Southern California's new literary giant Joe Altman.Marla, your comment about how wealth is measured speaks volumes about the wealth you two have. Wonderful family and friends surround you because you have always spread you joy to others. I admire you both and wish you a Merry CHRISTmas. I must admit Mr. Altman, with your sales ability I find it hard to understand how you haven't walked out of there yet. I sure the doctors are having a tough time overcoming your objections to get home. I will be praying with my family at Christmas and will ask our Lord to bless our meal we will ask him to bless both of you and your family as well. It will be a special day like in the movie "It's a wonderful life" when everybody in town was praying for George Bailey. God will hear prayers for you not only around the country but around the world. I guess Joe may toast as well to my big brother Dave, "The richest man in town." Keep smiling and do you best to keep your brother enertained. You are doing a great job. Bill
Dave and Marla: It was with tears that I read your CHRISTmas message also. Hang in there. We are all praying for you two and your families. Our Christmas dinner blessing will also include you all. God's blessing as you struggle with this difficult challenge put before you....Love, Barb and DeWayne
Dear Dave and Marla, Our prayers are with you. I can't even image what your family is going through. I was shocked at the news. I'm glad I got to go caroling this year but it wasn't the same without you guys, especially Dave. The guys needed you with "God Rest Ye Marry Gentlemen". Take care and know that many prayers are being sent. The power of prayer is amazing. With much love, Robert and Corinne Pierson
Dear Marla and Dave,
We are thinking of you as we await the birth of our Lord Jesus. May He keep you strong in your faith as you go through this big bump in your life. Wishing you many blessings this Christmas and all through the New Year.
Love and prayers,
Emma & Jim Stewart
Your Christmas letter reminds us of how blessed you are and what a wonderful life you have had together. You are both such caring and giving people. Our prayers are with you and your family. God never gives us more than He knows we can handle. God be with you both.
Jack and Judi
May the Lord bring you peace, comfort and a victory over this challenge in 2008. We will say a few extra prayers for you and your strong and supportive family at Mass tonight in Boston.
Hello Dave, I have been following your progress through Brian (the Chinnerman) and the blog. You have always been in our thoughts and prayers. I'm still waiting to get some of my money back the next time we play golf. Hoping the best for you and your family. I'm still motorhoming and we're doing well. Your buddy, Terry Pearson (Header)
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